Does a Thought of Completing Dissertation Make You Jittery? These Tips Can Help You Overcome It

Once you have drafted an outline and collected a pile of research notes, now is the time to knuckle down and set off the writing marathon. When it comes to writing a  dissertation, the most common question that fogs you is how to start. Scholars generally feel temptation to write introduction part at the beginning, but it is easier to write at the end when you have developed arguments for your research work. Here are some steps that can help you prepare dissertation quickly. 

Find your writing style
Your writing style is requisite to communicate your ideas efficaciously. A well-planned and researched dissertation can be downtrodden by poorly expressed ideas and unclear phrases. 

During your research you will have read many research paper and scholarly articles. Try to find out the one that is well written and enjoyable to read. Study the structure and work out how sentences have been presented. Use academic vocabulary to frame your arguments. Consider the techniques used by an author to convince readers and check if you can apply them in your own writing. Use sub-headings in your text as they indicate which stage you have reached. Further, it breaks the long and tedious text into useful sections and avoids monotony. Do not put superfluous information and avoid repetition. Look out for synonyms and use them. 

Structuring sentences
Sentence structure plays a crucial role to communicate the meaning eloquently. Elaborate your sentences and put transitional phrases while switching from one paragraph to another. Most of you think that the longer the sentence, the brighter it sounds, but it is your big mistake. You should bear in mind that the more words you use in a sentence, the harder it will be to grasp the meaning for readers. 

Acknowledge ideas
Though your dissertation needs to have your own original ideas, you also need to refer to the ideas of other writers. You need to critically evaluate ideas and identify the problems what has not been explored in previous studies. You need to refer the ideas of other authors to back up your own arguments. 

Make your bibliography perfect
Bibliographies are one of the significant aspects of a dissertation that you cannot ignore. Make sure you have stated a sufficient number of references to books, articles and sources. A bibliography may have a mix of primary and secondary sources.

Category : Writing Tips
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